

More PBS Genealogy Help

by Cameron Davis on 12/09/17

Genealogy Roadshow, unlike its companion show, doesn't highlight celebrities. Instead looks at the quest by unsung people to understand their family stories. Check it out at

PBS Series Explores the Importance of Family History

by Cameron Davis on 11/18/17

Have you seen Finding Your Roots on PBS? It's another proof point that more and more people are exploring their past. Now the challenge is how to turn that information into a real, live story.

Genealogy Genetics

by Cameron Davis on 08/28/17

How your own story can change from DNA testing...from today's New York Times:

And, an assessment of the most popular DNA tests for genealogy:

I tried 23andMe earlier this year. I found its explanations of results to be complicated and not as informative as I would have liked.

Even Businesses Are Getting on Board with the Power of Stories

by Cameron Davis on 08/17/17

From marketing to branding, starting with a story helps establish authenticity. From Inc. 5000:

"Valor" Gets Nice Mention from Civil War Trust Official

by Cameron Davis on 08/09/17

Thanks to Garry Adelman -- who serves as Director of History and Education at the Civil War Trust in his day job -- for the wonderful write-up about the new book!

Don't Leave Without Leaving Your Story.